United States of America (USA)
The USA is a federal presidential constitutional republic located in North America. It consists of 50 states, a federal district, and several self-governing territories as well as some minor islands and possessions outside the main land. However, its official land coverage is around 9.5 to 9.8 million square kilometers. As a result, it is the third or fourth largest country if we take into account its total area.
With a capital in Washington, D.C. and largest city of New York City, the USA is one of the greatest nations in the world in economic, social, and military aspects. The head of the nation is President Joe Biden. The Vice President is Kamala Harris.
The United States of America is probably the country that influences the world the most. All the trends and famous people come from or lived in America. No wonder - its last 2 centuries were marked as the most progressive time in the history of any country. The last 40 years recorded the increase of GDP from $5.9 trillion (1980) up to $21.4 trillion (2019). It is therefore the second most powerful economy in the world right after China.
Another important factor that we all should take into account is the wealthiness of the average citizen. We can measure that by simply verifying the GDP per capita value. In the case of the US, it is $65,000. As a result, they are far more superior in that respect than the number one in general GDP - China ($16,800). The value is exceptionally higher than in the case of average value in Europe ($46,450).
The States are also the largest importer in the world due to their strategy which consists in saving their own resources and buying all necessary resources from other international forces. As a result, their imports of goods and services is at around $3.125 trillion, which is still only 14.5% of their annual GDP. In terms of exports of merchandise, it is a bit lower value of $2.5 trillion, an approximate of 11% of their GDP according to data from 2019.
The estimated population in 2019 is 328 million, which is the third largest population in the entire world. However, its density is relatively low due to large land coverage, and it is only 33.6 citizens per square kilometer.
Gross domestic product (GDP, GDP PPP)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
- Last
- Historical chart
Gross national income (GNI, Inflation)
Gross national income
- Last
- Historical chart
International trade (Export, Import)
Employment by sector, Unemployment
Unemployment (% of total labor force)
- Last
- Historical chart