Economic Power Ranking

Country Ranking

Lack of map.

Ranking of economic strength by country ranked from highest to lowest value. After clicking on the magnifying icon, you can check the detailed factors that make up the ranking. The results are marked with green above the average for all countries and yellow below. There you can also see a graph of how the score value and country ranking have changed over the years.

The ranking was created on the basis of various economic factors such as GDP, GNI and employment. Additionally, elements such as the total population, demographics and the area of ​​the country were taken into account. The individual ranking factors have been reduced to the scoring, where 100 is the maximum value. The overall score is the weighted average of the individual component scores.

As the result depends on the weights assigned to individual ranking elements, it is possible to create your own ranking. A user of the website can set his own weights and based on the data contained on the website, his custom country ranking will be calculated. Just click on the link below.

Custom Ranking

Top 10 Countries by economy power

Position Country Overall Score Details
1 United States of America (USA) 75.61
2 China 71.78
3 India 26.49
4 Japan 17.92
5 Germany 16.43
6 United Kingdom 12.83
7 Russia 12.69
8 France 12.45
9 Canada 11.02
10 Brazil 10.41

Countries with above average scores

Position Country Overall Score Details
11 Australia 9.34
12 Italy 9.33
13 Indonesia 8.77
14 South Korea 8.38
15 Mexico 7.43
16 Ireland 7.34
17 Luxembourg 7.29
18 Switzerland 7.27
19 Spain 7.13
20 Netherlands 6.6
21 Turkey 6.32
22 Norway 6.27
23 Sweden 5.64
24 Nigeria 5.34
25 Pakistan 5.28
26 Israel 5.24
27 Belgium 5.12
28 Denmark 5.08
29 Austria 4.75
30 Argentina 4.58
31 Bangladesh 4.48
32 Egypt 4.44
33 Poland 4.43
34 Iceland 4.36
35 Singapore 4.32
36 Iran 4.1
37 Philippines 4.1

Countries with below average scores

Position Country Overall Score Details
38 Finland 4.07
39 New Zealand 3.89
40 South Africa 3.77
41 Thailand 3.74
42 Colombia 3.68
43 Maldives 3.6
44 Vietnam 3.6
45 Qatar 3.58
46 Chile 3.55
47 Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.48
48 Libya 3.48
49 Malaysia 3.47
50 Ethiopia 3.44
51 Peru 3.29
52 Kazakhstan 3.2
53 Algeria 3.05
54 Iraq 2.99
55 Tanzania 2.91
56 Portugal 2.88
57 Malta 2.76
58 Panama 2.75
59 Angola 2.74
60 Bahamas 2.68
61 Romania 2.58
62 Ivory Coast 2.57
63 Niger 2.57
64 Cyprus 2.56
65 Slovenia 2.55
66 Morocco 2.53
67 Greece 2.52
68 Guyana 2.5
69 Mali 2.49
70 Uzbekistan 2.48
71 Czechia 2.47
72 Dominican Republic 2.46
73 Sudan 2.45
74 Brunei Darussalam 2.37
75 Ghana 2.37
76 Hungary 2.37
77 Zambia 2.37
78 Cameroon 2.36
79 Estonia 2.36
80 Burkina Faso 2.33
81 Somalia 2.33
82 Botswana 2.31
83 Mozambique 2.29
84 Benin 2.27
85 Guatemala 2.27
86 Senegal 2.27
87 Rwanda 2.25
88 Chad 2.23
89 Lithuania 2.22
90 Zimbabwe 2.22
91 Madagascar 2.16
92 Belize 2.15
93 Honduras 2.15
94 Ecuador 2.09
95 Mauritania 2.08
96 Nepal 2.08
97 Tajikistan 2.08
98 Slovakia 2.06
99 Ukraine 2.06
100 Oman 2.04
101 Malawi 2.03
102 Costa Rica 2.02
103 Guinea 2.02
104 Bolivia 2.01
105 Gabon 2.01
106 Seychelles 1.96
107 Togo 1.95
108 Jordan 1.93
109 Sri Lanka 1.93
110 Burundi 1.91
111 Gambia 1.91
112 Mongolia 1.9
113 Nicaragua 1.89
114 Equatorial Guinea 1.88
115 Nauru 1.86
116 Paraguay 1.86
117 Namibia 1.85
118 Sierra Leone 1.82
119 Uruguay 1.82
120 Liberia 1.81
121 Central African Republic 1.8
122 Antigua and Barbuda 1.78
123 Papua New Guinea 1.77
124 Guinea-Bissau 1.76
125 Saint Lucia 1.75
126 Eswatini 1.7
127 Congo 1.69
128 Vanuatu 1.69
129 Azerbaijan 1.68
130 El Salvador 1.68
131 Timor-Leste 1.67
132 Bulgaria 1.65
133 Kyrgyzstan 1.65
134 Sao Tome and Principe 1.64
135 Solomon Islands 1.64
136 Tunisia 1.64
137 Latvia 1.63
138 Laos 1.61
139 Cambodia 1.59
140 Djibouti 1.58
141 Montenegro 1.58
142 Comoros 1.57
143 Grenada 1.54
144 Trinidad and Tobago 1.54
145 Kiribati 1.52
146 Tuvalu 1.51
147 Cabo Verde 1.5
148 Dominica 1.5
149 Moldova 1.44
150 Barbados 1.43
151 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1.41
152 Georgia 1.4
153 Serbia 1.4
154 Belarus 1.33
155 Haiti 1.31
156 Lesotho 1.31
157 Jamaica 1.3
158 Mauritius 1.29
159 Bhutan 1.27
160 Croatia 1.24
161 Afghanistan 1.22
162 Samoa 1.17
163 Albania 1.16
164 Suriname 1.14
165 Armenia 1.1
166 North Macedonia 1.09
167 Tonga 1.08
168 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1.06
169 Micronesia 1.04
170 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.01
171 Myanmar 0.94
172 Fiji 0.88
173 Palau 0.65
174 Lebanon 0.38
175 Marshall Islands 0.28

Not ranked

Position Country Overall Score Details
- Andorra - -
- Bahrain - -
- Cuba - -
- Eritrea - -
- Vatican City State - -
- Kenya - -
- North Korea - -
- Kuwait - -
- Liechtenstein - -
- Monaco - -
- San Marino - -
- Saudi Arabia - -
- South Sudan - -
- Syria - -
- Taiwan - -
- Turkmenistan - -
- Uganda - -
- United Arab Emirates - -
- Venezuela - -
- Yemen - -