The Republic of Bulgaria is a country placed in a Southeast part of Europe. It shares its border with Romania, Serbia, North Macedonia, Greece, and Turkey. The largest city in the nation as well as its capital is Sofia. It is one of the smallest nations in europe with a land coverage of 110,000 square kilometers.
GDP (PPP included) of the nation is $164 billion. With the population of almost 7 million, it gives them a GDP per capita at around $23,000. All the data come from 2019.
Gross domestic product (GDP, GDP PPP)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
- Last
- Historical chart
Gross national income (GNI, Inflation)
Gross national income
- Last
- Historical chart
International trade (Export, Import)
Employment by sector, Unemployment
Unemployment (% of total labor force)
- Last
- Historical chart