Uzbekistan is a country situated in Central Asia. It’s officially known as the Republic of Uzbekistan. It has five neighboring countries including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. The inhabitants of Uzbekistan use Uzbek as their national language as well as Russian when it comes to interethnic communication. Moreover, there is a wide range of other languages spoken within the territory of the country, such as Tatar and Tajik.
GDP (PPP) of Uzbekistan comes to $275.806 billion with $9,595 per capita. Its economy is based on the production and export of both cotton and gold. The country is the seventh in the world which mines 80 tons of gold annually.
Gross domestic product (GDP, GDP PPP)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
- Last
- Historical chart
Gross national income (GNI, Inflation)
Gross national income
- Last
- Historical chart
International trade (Export, Import)
Employment by sector, Unemployment
Unemployment (% of total labor force)
- Last
- Historical chart