Located in the Mediterranean Sea, the Republic of Malta is an island country with an archipelago of inhabited islands. It is located in the southeastern part of Europe. It shares only maritime borders with such nations as Italy, Tunisia, and Libya.
In 2019 there were more than 500,000 citizens. As a result of its total land coverage of 316 square kilometers, it is the fourth most densely populated nation in the world with approximately 1,630 people per square kilometer. Its total GDP (PPP) is $22.8 million. However, thanks to such a low population, its per capita numbers are much higher than in other European nations with the number of $48,246.
Gross domestic product (GDP, GDP PPP)
Gross domestic product (GDP)
- Last
- Historical chart
Gross national income (GNI, Inflation)
Gross national income
- Last
- Historical chart
International trade (Export, Import)
Employment by sector, Unemployment
Unemployment (% of total labor force)
- Last
- Historical chart