Compare the economies of the countries

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Economy power of India & Mauritius

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India vs Mauritius

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India Mauritius
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One of the fastest developing countries at this moment and the third biggest economy in the world if we include PPP factor into equations. The Republic of India is located in South Asia and it is the second most populous country in the entire world. In terms of land, they are the seventh-largest. Interestingly, this is the most populous democracy in the world. They also have an enormous amount of native languages (around 447). More about India The island nation on the Indian Ocean - this is the location of the Republic of Mauritius. Port Louis is its capital and at the same time the largest city. There are several additional islands that are part of the republic. However, most of 1.265 million citizens inhabit the main land where the capital is located.  More about Mauritius

Gross domestic product (GDP, GDP PPP)

Gross domestic product (GDP)

India Mauritius
Position in the ranking of countries
GDP [US$] 3,176,295,065,497 11,529,042,672
Percentage of the other

Gross domestic product growth rate

Gross domestic product per capita

Gross domestic product (PPP)

Gross domestic product (PPP) per capita

Gross national income (GNI, Inflation)

Gross national income

India Mauritius
Position in the ranking of countries
GNI [US$] 3,126,862,532,266 11,700,106,255
Percentage of the other

Gross national income per capita

Inflation consumer prices (annual %)

International trade (Export, Import)

External balance on goods and services

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India Mauritius
Position in the ranking of countries
External balance [US$] -79,191,303,181 -1,119,468,676
Percentage of the other

External balance on goods and services (% of GDP)

Exports of goods and services (current US$)

Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Imports of goods and services (current US$)

Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Employment by sector, Unemployment

Unemployment (% of total labor force)

India Mauritius
Position in the ranking of countries
Unemployment [%] 7.71 7.66
Percentage of the other

Employment in agriculture (% of total employment)

Employment in industry (% of total employment)

Employment in services (% of total employment)

Vulnerable employment (% of total employment)

Population (total, growth, density, demgraphy)

Total population

small flag small flag


India Mauritius
Position in the ranking of countries
Population 1,407,563,842 1,266,060
Percentage of the other

Population growth (annual %)


