Compare the economies of the countries

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Economy power of Mauritania & Vanuatu

Mauritania Flag svg Vanuatu Flag svg

Mauritania vs Vanuatu

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Mauritania Vanuatu
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The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is the former French colony and the nation that has more than 1 million square kilometers of land. It is located in West Africa and is considered to be the 8th largest nation in this continent. The population is fairly limited with the approximate number of 4.4 million as of 2018.  More about Mauritania Vanuatu is an island country which is located in the South Pacific Ocean. It’s also known as the Republic of Vanuatu. There are three official languages spoken by the citizens which are Bislama, English and French. As far as religion is concerned, over 93% of the entire Vanuatu population is Christian. Port Vila is the capital and the largest city in the country. More about Vanuatu

Gross domestic product (GDP, GDP PPP)

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Mauritania Vanuatu
Position in the ranking of countries 136 (2021) 168 (2021)
GDP [US$] 9,996,249,658 956,332,655
Percentage of the other 1045.3 % 9.6 %

Gross domestic product growth rate

Gross domestic product per capita

Gross domestic product (PPP)

Gross domestic product (PPP) per capita

Gross national income (GNI, Inflation)

Gross national income

Mauritania Vanuatu
Position in the ranking of countries 133 (2021) 163 (2021)
GNI [US$] 9,849,926,792 1,049,443,083
Percentage of the other 938.6 % 10.7 %

Gross national income per capita

Inflation consumer prices (annual %)

International trade (Export, Import)

External balance on goods and services

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Mauritania Vanuatu
Position in the ranking of countries 112 (2021) 77 (2021)
External balance [US$] -2,148,005,554 -320,175,418
Percentage of the other 670.9 % 14.9 %

External balance on goods and services (% of GDP)

Exports of goods and services (current US$)

Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Imports of goods and services (current US$)

Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Employment by sector, Unemployment

Unemployment (% of total labor force)

Mauritania Vanuatu
Position in the ranking of countries 112 (2021) 77 (2021)
Unemployment [%] 11.29 2.12
Percentage of the other 532.5 % 18.8 %

Employment in agriculture (% of total employment)

Employment in industry (% of total employment)

Employment in services (% of total employment)

Vulnerable employment (% of total employment)

Population (total, growth, density, demgraphy)

Total population

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Mauritania Vanuatu
Position in the ranking of countries 121 (2021) 170 (2021)
Population 4,614,974 319,137
Percentage of the other 1446.1 % 6.9 %

Population growth (annual %)


