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Economy power of Trinidad and Tobago & Uzbekistan

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Trinidad and Tobago vs Uzbekistan

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Trinidad and Tobago Uzbekistan
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Trinidad and Tobago is an island country which comprises two major isles Trinidad and Tobago as well as a plenty of smaller islands. Its official name is the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The territory is located in the Caribbean and it has maritime boundaries with many other countries, such as Barbados, Grenada and Venezuela. The inhabitants speak English as their national language.  More about Trinidad and Tobago Uzbekistan is a country situated in Central Asia. It’s officially known as the Republic of Uzbekistan. It has five neighboring countries including Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. The inhabitants of Uzbekistan use Uzbek as their national language as well as Russian when it comes to interethnic communication.  Moreover, there is a wide range of other languages spoken within the territory of the country, such as Tatar and Tajik. More about Uzbekistan

Gross domestic product (GDP, GDP PPP)

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Trinidad and Tobago Uzbekistan
Position in the ranking of countries 102 (2021) 69 (2021)
GDP [US$] 24,460,196,270 69,238,903,106
Percentage of the other 35.3 % 283.1 %

Gross domestic product growth rate

Gross domestic product per capita

Gross domestic product (PPP)

Gross domestic product (PPP) per capita

Gross national income (GNI, Inflation)

Gross national income

Trinidad and Tobago Uzbekistan
Position in the ranking of countries 99 (2021) 66 (2021)
GNI [US$] 24,369,551,809 69,434,897,836
Percentage of the other 35.1 % 284.9 %

Gross national income per capita

Inflation consumer prices (annual %)

International trade (Export, Import)

External balance on goods and services

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Trinidad and Tobago Uzbekistan
Position in the ranking of countries - 138 (2021)
External balance [US$] - -11,358,106,098
Percentage of the other - -

External balance on goods and services (% of GDP)

Exports of goods and services (current US$)

Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Imports of goods and services (current US$)

Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Employment by sector, Unemployment

Unemployment (% of total labor force)

Trinidad and Tobago Uzbekistan
Position in the ranking of countries - 138 (2021)
Unemployment [%] 4.45 6.02
Percentage of the other 73.9 % 135.3 %

Employment in agriculture (% of total employment)

Employment in industry (% of total employment)

Employment in services (% of total employment)

Vulnerable employment (% of total employment)

Population (total, growth, density, demgraphy)

Total population

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Trinidad and Tobago Uzbekistan
Position in the ranking of countries 147 (2021) 40 (2021)
Population 1,525,663 34,915,100
Percentage of the other 4.4 % 2288.5 %

Population growth (annual %)


