Compare the economies of the countries

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Economy power of Angola & Burundi

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Angola vs Burundi

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Angola Burundi
World map with selected countries highlighted.
Angola is a country located in South Africa, in the west coast to be exact. It is the seventh-largest country in Africa with the total land area of 1.246 million square kilometers. Interestingly, because of its large population and size, and as a result of being a colony of Portugal, it is the second largest Portugese-speaking nation, only after Brazil and ahead of the actual Portugal. More about Angola The Republic of Burundi is a former colony of France, which is situated in the Great Rift Valley. It is a region of the African Great Lakes and East Africa. Bordered by Rwanda, Tanzania, and the Democratic Republic of Congo, it is one of the smallest nations in the region with the land coverage of 27,000 square kilometers.  More about Burundi

Gross domestic product (GDP, GDP PPP)

Gross domestic product (GDP)

Angola Burundi
Position in the ranking of countries
GDP [US$] 67,404,287,260 2,779,813,489
Percentage of the other

Gross domestic product growth rate

Gross domestic product per capita

Gross domestic product (PPP)

Gross domestic product (PPP) per capita

Gross national income (GNI, Inflation)

Gross national income

Angola Burundi
Position in the ranking of countries
GNI [US$] 62,080,347,392 2,787,941,797
Percentage of the other

Gross national income per capita

Inflation consumer prices (annual %)

International trade (Export, Import)

External balance on goods and services

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Angola Burundi
Position in the ranking of countries
External balance [US$] 18,926,023,490 -523,107,526
Percentage of the other

External balance on goods and services (% of GDP)

Exports of goods and services (current US$)

Exports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Imports of goods and services (current US$)

Imports of goods and services (% of GDP)

Employment by sector, Unemployment

Unemployment (% of total labor force)

Angola Burundi
Position in the ranking of countries
Unemployment [%] 10.38 1.13
Percentage of the other

Employment in agriculture (% of total employment)

Employment in industry (% of total employment)

Employment in services (% of total employment)

Vulnerable employment (% of total employment)

Population (total, growth, density, demgraphy)

Total population

small flag small flag


Angola Burundi
Position in the ranking of countries
Population 34,503,774 12,551,213
Percentage of the other

Population growth (annual %)


